The missing build pipeline for GitHub Actions

Fast, safe, secure and beautiful build pipelines you can setup in minutes. Powered by open source.

End to End Visualisation

PipelineBot shows your entire path to production in a single view. Easily navigate across workflows, spot inefficiencies and optimize your process.

Manual & Auto Trigger

PipelineBot allows you to trigger stages automatically or manually. You get full control of your workflows which is configured with a file stays in your repository. PipelineBot is great at managing complex workflows.

Fully integrated with Github

PipelineBot is built as a Github App. You login with your Github accounts. Jobs run as Github Actions. This creates a seamless experience for your team. You do not need to switch to a different tool to manage your pipeline, while the team is already on Github.


Approve deployments using Slack. Don't leave your teams workflow tool to manage your pipelines.


Track your teams performance with key analytics. Metrics like lead time and deployment frequency are recommended by the state of DevOps report.

Integrates with any service

Using GitHub actions or the power of GitHub events, integrate with a wide group of deployment options.


GitHub Actions
